Puzzle 2: Ask Out

Hello again and happy Friday to all! Before we get into the puzzle this week, I'd like to give a quick shoutout to Norah, who was kind enough to recommend my puzzle to the guys over at Fill Me In.  I was glad to hear their positive feedback, and I hope everyone else who took the time to solve enjoyed it as well! 

Anyway, today is another themed puzzle.  It is my first experiment with word/phrase removal as a theme, and it is not test-solved because I am impatient and just finished now.  I hope it helps everyone get through the last little bit of their Friday workday! 

As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.


  1. Ok I did it :) I found this one to be tougher than last week's!! Funny moment where I second guessed myself with 36 across because I was like well are they I don't even know anymore...

    1. It's not saying it's me but this is Sarah!

    2. Thanks for solving Sarah! I had the same thought when I was cluing that actually...


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